Copi Hollow – Menindee Lookout & Kinchega NP River Drive

Had a fun day today. Went for a drive to a place called Copi Hollow for a look around. It’s a water skiing park near Lake Pamamaroo. Not much water skiing going on the moment though due to a lack of water.

Driving Out To Copi Hollow

Driving Out To Copi Hollow

Next we went to Lake Menindee lookout. The lake is as dry as anything, more like a depression in the desert than a lake but it was still extremely interesting to see.

Menindee Lake From The Lookout

Menindee Lake From The Lookout

We had to cross the railway tracks and on the way back we had to wait for ages while a freight train took quite a few minutes to rumble by.

Freight Train At Menindeee Lookout

Freight Train At Menindeee Lookout

Then we went back in to Kinchega National Park and followed the River Drive from start to finish. It’s a great drive about 30ks in length that winds along the bank of the Darling River beneath overhanging red river gums. There are a lot of very good camp sites along the river.

Darling River Kinchega National Park

Darling River Kinchega National Park

Between camp 32 and 33 you can see the remains of the boiler from a paddle steamer that exploded after running dry back in 1872. The chinese cook got thrown in to a tree by the explosion and wasn’t found for two days. They pulled him down and carted him off for medical assistance but the poor bugger died a bit later.

Remains Of Old Riverboat Boiler In Kinchega National Park

Remains Of Old Riverboat Boiler In Kinchega National Park

We also stopped at camp 34 which is meant to be another Burke & Wills camp site. It is certainly a magnificent spot. Back at camp we had a few beers with friends Suzi and Mark and then settled in to watch the NRL grand final on a massive projector screen. Was a great day.