Barrow Creek Hotel Free Camping At Matts Quarry

Barrow Creek Hotel Free Camping was a really great experience for us. We visited Barrow Creek Hotel and free camped at an awesome place just down the road at Matts Quarry. Barrow Creek Hotel is one of those iconic outback pubs you just have to visit and experience.

Inside Barrow Creek Hotel

Inside Barrow Creek Hotel

Barrow Creek Hotel is more than a bit run down these days but it certainly didn’t detract from the experience. In fact I reckon it probably added to it. If you are looking for a gourmet lunch and beer on tap then give it a miss. If on the other hand you are looking for a real experience in a struggling old pub then call in. Meals aren’t available at the moment due to the cook doing a runner and replacement staff aren’t exactly beating a path to the door. You do have your choice of microwaved Mrs Macs pies and sausage rolls. Depending upon when the supply truck last called through. As for beer we watched as old mate undid the two padlocks on the fridge door and gazed in wonderment ant the vast selection of – yeah well we had a XXXX Gold! It was nice and cold though so it had that going for it at least. What exactly goes down in a place where the publican has to padlock the beer fridge during open hours does get you thinking.

Barrow Creek Hotel

Barrow Creek Hotel

Fuel is available at Barrow Creek and the price given the current climate was not too bad. And to add to the whole yesteryear thing they have going on old mate the publican also doubles as the fuel attendant. After filling up he wanders out to the pump to check out how much you’ve used. None of that modern day straight to the console swipe your card and you’re on your way at Barrow Creek Hotel! I loved it. It’s how things used to be.

Outside Barrow Creek Hotel

Outside Barrow Creek Hotel

I highly recommend you call in to Barrow Creek Hotel. Probably not if your last name is Falconio but then that’s a whole different story for some other time. Actually there are a few books and a mini series on what went down with Peter Falconio not too far from the Barrow Creek Hotel. Let’s just say that Peter Falconio has likely been at Barrow Creek Hotel Free Camping or somewhere nearby for quite a length of time. We had a bit of a poke around but he was nowhere to be seen.

Free Camping At Matts Quarry Near Barrow Creek

We pulled up stumps for the day and free camped at Matts Quarry a few minutes north of Barrow Creek on the Stuart Highway. Set your trip meter when you leave the hotel and head north. At the 1.2km mark look to your right and you will see a track heading off in to the scrub. Pull in and the track widens out and branches off in to dozens of good little spots to free camp.

Free Camping Near Barrow Creek

Free Camping Near Barrow Creek

There are no facilities available at Matts Quarry free camp however. No toilets, no showers, no water available however for the princely sum of zero zip nada dollars you get views of the surrounding area that are spectacularly beautiful. If you are looking for Barrow Creek Hotel Free Camping then I recommend Matts Quarry.

A Little Bit About Barrow Creek

With a current population of 11, Barrow Creek is a very small town in the southern Northern Territory. About halfway between Alice Springs and Tennant Creek, it is located on the Stuart Highway, about 280 km north of Alice Springs. The town’s main attraction is its roadhouse/hotel. The creek was named after the then-South Australian parliamentarian John Henry Barrow. His migration to South Australia had taken place in 1853. Kaytetye Aborigines have been living along Barrow Creek for tens of thousands of years.

Matts Quarry Free Camping Near Barrow Creek

Matts Quarry Free Camping Near Barrow Creek

The Peter Falconio Murder?

During a trip with his girlfriend Joanne Lees, Peter Falconio disappeared on the Stuart Highway near Barrow Creek in the Northern Territory of Australia on the evening of 14 July 2001.

Following the backpacker murders, the case attracted considerable public and legal attention both domestically and overseas. Falconio was 28 years old when he disappeared. He has never been found, and it is presumed that he is dead. In December 2005, Bradley John Murdoch was found guilty of Falconio’s murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Views At Matts Quarry Near Barrow Creek

Views At Matts Quarry Near Barrow Creek