Gunyah Deepwater River Camping Near Glen Innes

Gunyah Deepwater River Camping Near Glen Innes

Gunyah Deepwater River Camping Near Glen Innes

Gunyah Deepwater River Camping is an old property just out of the town of Deepwater near the northern NSW town of Deepwater. You can camp on the property. Deepwater is about 50 km north of Glen Innes. What a place!

Gunyah Its An Old Property Just Out Of The Town Of Deepwater

Gunyah Its An Old Property Just Out Of The Town Of Deepwater

Captain Thunderbolt Bushranger Grave

We drove to Deepwater and set up camp. On the way we stopped off and visited Captain Thunderbolts grave. When getting out to the grave I had a moment with the trailer, banged the drawbar on the road going through a dip and smashed the Anderson Plug lead.

Captain Thunderbolts Grave

Captain Thunderbolts Grave

Gunyah Deepwater River Camping

We camped at Gunyah Deepwater River Camping – it’s an old property just out of the town of Deepwater. Deepwater is about 50 km north of Glen Innes. What a fantastic place. It’s bush camping and we had our pick of spots along about 2km of river frontage. We managed to get everything set up without too much arguing this time but according to Amanda I still picked a rubbish spot. It was about thirty feet from the one she picked out. We wouldn’t have been able to get the jockey wheel lowered in her spot without digging a hole but mine was still the rubbish one!

Set Up At Gunyah Near Deepwater NSW

Set Up At Gunyah Near Deepwater NSW

Dinner Over The Fire

After getting set up we headed into town to get some lunch. The only thing we could get was chicko rolls and chips from the diner. It was after two in the afternoon so everywhere else was out of food or closed. It’s the way it is in the country so no complaints from us. On the way back we collected some firewood. We cooked dinner over an open fire – rissoles Amanda had made and they were delicious.

Cooking Dinner At Gunyah Station

Cooking Dinner At Gunyah Station

Uno Dummy Spit

As we often do we played a game of Uno and Amanda had a massive dummy spit and threw chips and cards everywhere. We listened to the local radio station 2T something and it was a good fun night.

Another UNO Dummy Spit

Another UNO Dummy Spit