MARS Enthusiasts 2019 NSW Camping Muster

MARS Enthusiasts 2019 NSW Camping Muster

MARS Enthusiasts 2019 NSW Camping Muster

We’re back from Carrathool after attending the 2019 NSW Camping Muster with the MARS Enthusiasts Facebook group. This time at Pinkers Beach near Carrathool NSW on the mighty Murrumbidgee River. Amanda and I love this group.

Pinkies or Pinkers Beach Carrathool NSW

Pinkies or Pinkers Beach Carrathool NSW

We Donated to Buy a Bale

Sean and Laura decided to do something different with prizes this year and that was to do a raffle and donate all proceeds to “Buy a Bale” to which on the night $270 was raised. This was a huge effort by all and it is something we should 100% do again.

Saturday nights dinner was camp oven roast and veggies with salads and also some home made desserts. There was a small army of helpers cutting veggies and wrapping trays and also deserts where made Amanda Sloane and Suzi Pallett. We were also treated to some tunes from Muster legend Spikey Singline who bought up all his PA and guitars and sang for us all. Spikey goes good!

MARS Enthusiasts NSW Muster 2019 Camp Oven Cook Up

MARS Enthusiasts NSW Muster 2019 Camp Oven Cook Up

Plenty of Firewood

We were all kept warm by the wood cutting crew. We cut some of the biggest logs we’ve ever seen on a camp fire ever. Mark was the absolute standout in this regard, dragging back what was almost half of a complete gum tree chained up behind his ute.

Camping Muster Pub Lunch

Sunday came and most of us decided to go and help the local Carrathool Hotel by having lunch their. This was a Muster first as we normally all stay on site and this was a great way of getting out and about and doing something different. This was a terrific idea and one we should definitely do it again.

Family Hotel at Carrathool NSW

Family Hotel at Carrathool NSW

Sunday night and something that started at National 2018 was a slap together meal with what ever we had left over and we all just picked at it. It was a bloody ripper meal and thanks go out to all that made something. My personal favourite was the curried sausages made by Leanne.

Learn How to Bush & Remote Camp In The Safety of a Group?

Learn How to Bush & Remote Camp In The Safety of a Group?

Learn How to Bush & Remote Camp In The Safety of a Group?

One thing I see posted a lot on social media groups is people asking if there are groups that they can get together with to go camping. I also see a lot of questions being asked about what it’s like to go to free camping places and how you go about doing it, is there a group they can join to get started.

The answer to both questions is yes. We have been a part of a Facebook Group called MARS Enthusiasts for about three years now and we have been camping with them on three occasions to official “Musters” and a few times to unofficial group gatherings as well as camping with individual families from the group. Each time it’s been at awesome free camping destinations.

Visit the MARS Enthusiasts Facebook Group

2019 MARS National Muster At The Dig Tree

2019 MARS National Muster At The Dig Tree

People in the group cover all demographics, old, young, inbetween, some with kids, some with pets, some no kids, some have dogs, some don’t have dogs, pretty much everyone you could imagine, Some people in the group have been camping for over 40 years, some are just beginning their camping “careers”. Some people prefer to go to their local caravan park, others like to get out on road trips to iconic destinations such as Uluru, Cape York, Cameron Corner, Gibb River Road, Birdsville. You name it and somebody in the group will have been there and can answer any questions you might have about getting there and what do do after you’ve arrived.

2019 MARS Enthusiasts National Muster Camped at Aboriginal Camp Tibooburra NSW

2019 MARS Enthusiasts National Muster Camped at Aboriginal Camp Tibooburra NSW

Members of the MARS Enthusiasts group are mostly owners of MARS Camper Trailers however this is beginning to change. There are now a fair few caravan owners in the group (us included) and everyone is welcome to join. All they ask of you is that you be willing to share tips, tricks, help with ideas for mods to gear, camp cooking ideas and stuff like that. Everyone has a different skill set, there’s always something you can help out with, you’ll probably surprise yourself!

So join the MARS Enthusiasts Facebook Group and have a go!

Past MARS Enthusiasts Muster Locations

South Australian Muster 2020 @ Black Cockatoo Bush Camp (Naracoorte, SA)
Victorian Mars Muster 2019 @ Moonambel (Moonambel, VIC)
National Muster 2019 @ The Dig Tree (Coopers Creek, QLD) & Various other locations
QLD Muster 2019 @ Jondarayan Woolshed (Jondarayan, QLD)
NSW Muster 2019 @ Pinkies Beach (Carrathool, NSW)
South Australian Muster 2019 @ Lakeside Campground (Caurnmount, SA)
Victorian Muster 2018 @ Taylors Campground (Lake Eildon, VIC)
National Muster 2018 @ Burke & Wills Campground (Menindee, NSW)
Queensland Muster 2018 @ Queen Mary Falls (Kilarney, QLD)
NSW Muster 2018 @ Billy Grace Reserve (Wee Jasper, NSW)
South Australian Muster 2018 @ Lakeside Campground (Caurnmount SA)
New Years Eve 2018 Catch-up @ Blue Gum Flat Campground (Lake Eildon)
National Muster 2017 @ Jemalong Weir (Forbes NSW)
Victorian Muster 2017 @ Glendinning Campground (Rocklands VIC)

Visit the MARS Enthusiasts Facebook Group

Copi Hollow – Menindee Lookout & Kinchega NP River Drive

Copi Hollow – Menindee Lookout & Kinchega NP River Drive

Copi Hollow – Menindee Lookout & Kinchega NP River Drive

Had a fun day today. Went for a drive to a place called Copi Hollow for a look around. It’s a water skiing park near Lake Pamamaroo. Not much water skiing going on the moment though due to a lack of water.

Driving Out To Copi Hollow

Driving Out To Copi Hollow

Next we went to Lake Menindee lookout. The lake is as dry as anything, more like a depression in the desert than a lake but it was still extremely interesting to see.

Menindee Lake From The Lookout

Menindee Lake From The Lookout

We had to cross the railway tracks and on the way back we had to wait for ages while a freight train took quite a few minutes to rumble by.

Freight Train At Menindeee Lookout

Freight Train At Menindeee Lookout

Then we went back in to Kinchega National Park and followed the River Drive from start to finish. It’s a great drive about 30ks in length that winds along the bank of the Darling River beneath overhanging red river gums. There are a lot of very good camp sites along the river.

Darling River Kinchega National Park

Darling River Kinchega National Park

Between camp 32 and 33 you can see the remains of the boiler from a paddle steamer that exploded after running dry back in 1872. The chinese cook got thrown in to a tree by the explosion and wasn’t found for two days. They pulled him down and carted him off for medical assistance but the poor bugger died a bit later.

Remains Of Old Riverboat Boiler In Kinchega National Park

Remains Of Old Riverboat Boiler In Kinchega National Park

We also stopped at camp 34 which is meant to be another Burke & Wills camp site. It is certainly a magnificent spot. Back at camp we had a few beers with friends Suzi and Mark and then settled in to watch the NRL grand final on a massive projector screen. Was a great day.

Mars Enthusiasts 2018 NSW Muster at Wee Jasper

Mars Enthusiasts 2018 NSW Muster at Wee Jasper

Mars Enthusiasts 2018 NSW Muster at Wee Jasper

Had a great weekend camping with the crew from the Mars Enthusiasts group at Wee Jasper down near Yass. Had a heap of fun with them – they’re a really good group of people. I think Tracey Kelly added up we had 11 trailers/vans, 21 adults, 9 kids and 10 dogs. Bloody great turn out.

Beautiful Views At Billy Grace Reserve Campground Wee Jasper

Beautiful Views At Billy Grace Reserve Campground Wee Jasper

Firewood Collection & A Bit Of Exploring

Thanks go out to Sean “Big Daddy” Weaver for organising the even and to Peter Woolsey for doing all the behind the scenes stuff.

We got there early on Saturday morning and it was raining a bit. After setting everything up we went out with a few utes and some chainsaws to get some firewood for the nights big camp oven cook. Out of Billy Grace Reserve we turned left and the wood was pretty ordinary but we got a couple of ute loads of the best we could find. We probably drove maybe 10 or 15 kilometres down muddy twisty narrow tracks, it’s pretty spectacular scenery. On the way there we drove through another 3 or 4 camp grounds similar to Billy Grace Reserve that are worth checking out in the future.

Firewood Collected At Wee Jasper

Firewood Collected At Wee Jasper

Muster Night – Camp Ovens Everywhere!

Muster Night Camp Oven Cook Up

Muster Night Camp Oven Cook Up

Saturday afternoon we had a beer pong tournament. I’m rubbish at it. Dinner was great, it was cooked on the fire in camp ovens and everyone had a great feed. Took a while to get it done but it turned out great.

We also had a trivia competition, we were rubbish at that too. Afterwards we sat around for ages and talked and had a great time. Oh and at some stage of the evening for whatever god knows reason I apparently agreed to go for a swim in the river the following morning. The evening finished off for me by being the subject of the NSW Muster’s pillow talk session.

On Sunday we got up early and Amanda and Johnathon made some damper for everyone. A couple of plain ones and a couple of fruit ones, they all turned out great albeit they tool a while to cook as the coals we had available weren’t all that hot due to the dodgy wood we collected on Saturday.

A Great Day On Sunday

After breakfast it was time for my swim. It was freezing, absolutely bloody freezing but I said I’d do it so I did it. What an idiot I am! To be honest it wasn’t too bad once it was over and I got out. The creek was only about waist deep in most parts but they managed to find a deep hole so I could get in and do my swim spa thing and flop about a bit.

Cold Morning At Billy Grace Reserve Wee Jasper - Ice Everywhere!

Cold Morning At Billy Grace Reserve Wee Jasper – Ice Everywhere!

After my swim I had a nice hot shower and sat around the fire for a bit to warm up. When I had thawed out properly Simon, peter, Matthew and myself took a couple of utes and chainsaws out to get some more firewood. This time we turned right out of camp and a couple of kays down the road found a heap of nice dry gum halfway up a really steep hill. Simon and I climbed up with the chainsaws and cut a few uteloads. At one point Simon rolled down the hill a bit and tried to shishkebab himself on a branch. I was worried for a second but he was ok.

Lunch was cooked on the fire and then we all settled in for the afternoon and evening. We had a bloody great time and had heaps of laughs.

Lunch Was A Group Effort Cooked Over The Fire

Lunch Was A Group Effort Cooked Over The Fire

All up the first ever NSW Mars Muster was a huge success. We met up with some friends we already knew and made a heap of new ones. Amanda and I are really enjoying the whole muster thing and we are really looking forward to going to Menindee late September for the national one.

Graciee Loved Billy Grace Reserve Wee Jasper

Graciee Loved Billy Grace Reserve Wee Jasper