100th Anniversary Of Remembrance Day At The War Memorial

We got up bright and early and drove down to Canberra to go to the National Remembrance Day At The War Memorial. It’s a hundred years since Armistice Day so we thought it was important for us to go and pay our respects.

Remembrance Day Australian War memorial 2018

Remembrance Day Australian War Memorial 2018

It was a really good service. We had a speech by the by the prime minister Scott Morrison, the opposition leader Bill Shorten read the epitaphs and we also had John Schumann from Redgum and Lee Kernaghan performing Waltzing Matilda. The whole thing was a really great experience and something I will forever be proud to have been at. Lest We Forget. if you ever get a chance to go to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra I highly recommend you get there and have a look. You really need to spend more than one day. At least two days and more likely three are required to have a really good look.

Another thing to keep in mind is that they change the exhibits very frequently. What you see this time will be different to what you see if you go a year later. They keep the main exhibits such as the VC winners, WW1 and WW2 halls there without change but a lot of other exhibits are swapped in and out.

Poppies at the Australian War Memorial Remembrance Day 2018

Poppies at the Australian War Memorial Remembrance Day 2018

Last Post Ceremony

Commencing at approximately 4.30 pm AEDT, the Memorial farewells visitors with its moving Last Post Ceremony in the Commemorative Courtyard. Each night the ceremony shares the story behind one of the names on the Roll of Honour.

About The Ceremony
The ceremony begins with the Australian National Anthem followed by the piper’s lament. Visitors are invited to lay wreaths and floral tributes beside the Pool of Reflection. An individual’s story is told, and the Ode is recited by Australian Defence Force personnel. The ceremony ends with the sounding of the Last Post. From February to November the Last Post Ceremony includes Australia’s Federation Guard (on the first and third Wednesday of each month).

The Last Post Ceremony is an increasingly popular public event. We recommend early arrival as the Memorial is unable to reserve spaces for groups.